Climate / Food / Plastic / Sustainability / Waste / Workshops · 8 August 2022

Join our free Food and Waste Workshop

Did you know your food could actually be the biggest source of carbon in your daily life?

This Thursday’s workshop will be on Food and Waste. Jonathan will be leading this workshop where we will focus on how cut the ‘food’ carbon and how to save waste. During the latest workshop we will look at:

  1. Sustainable Food
  2. Food Not Wasted
  3. Packaging
  4. Litter
  5. Rubbish
  6. Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle

How can my food choices make a difference to my environmental impact?

The ‘Sustainable Food’ section will look at what impact the production, processing, transportation, cooking, and waste of food. We will look at how to cut your ‘food’ carbon footprint be that by growing and preparing your own or moving to meat free or lower meat diets.

Mary from Redeem Funds will lead the ‘Food Not Wasted’ section, she will look at how much food is wasted, by who and what is being done to save and share food.

Kerry from Food For Thought will be leading the ‘Packaging’ part, focussing primarily on single use packaging, its damaging consequences and how we can use less packaging.

Did you know that litter is mostly food packaging?

We will look at the problem of ‘Litter’ and what is being done to combat it by councils and by local volunteers like Wellie Wombles.

We will then look at what ‘Rubbish’ is (and isn’t) where it comes from and the collection and management of all waste.

To finish up, we will look at simple ways to avoid waste, including how to ‘Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle’ rather than just throwing things away.

This workshop is all about ways to reduce your environmental impact, join us on Thursday to find out how.

Do join us on Zoom at 7pm on Thursday 11th August, for our eighth online workshop. You will need to register for the Food and Waste Workshop, and all other sessions, by filling in the form below:

See you on Thursday night!