We are excited to tell you about our project in Wellingborough, that is being delivered by Glamis Hall for All, with the support of Wellingborough Eco Group and other community partners.
The project’s main aim is to bring people, groups and businesses together from across Wellingborough to start working on many of the practical challenges facing us all related to the impacts of climate change in our community.

We hope you will want to hear more and to join in with the conversations, workshops and activities we will be hosting across the year. Marion Turner-Hawes is coordinating this project, ably supported by Jonathan Hornett from Wellingborough Eco Group.
If you or any group or business you are connected with would like to hear more about the project, we are happy to meet up (or zoom) and do a quick introduction for you. Please email or give us a call/WhatsApp on 07954 082802. Find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter too.
Just in case that you are wondering why we need to act, this Carbon Countdown Clock from the Guardian newspaper shows you how time limited we are:
Winter Warm Project
Wellingborough Climate Action Project are leading a project in Wellingborough to help keep you warm this Winter. Our Winter Warm Project includes our Winter Warm Space, Winter Warm Packs and Winter Warm Visits, all designed to not only warm you up, but also to cut your heating bills. Find out more here.

Climate Conversations
We started the project with a series of community wide ‘Climate Conversations‘ in March 2022, with the Town Council. These included presentations from councillors, Electric Corby, North Northamptonshire Council and Wellingborough Eco Group. They were held at Glamis Hall, Victoria Centre and Hemmingwell Skills and Community Centre.

We had lots of really useful feedback and helpful suggestions for our workshops. We heard your experiences, plans, climate change actions and environmental challenges, and we want to hear from you too! To enable this we are hosting two more Climate Conversations in Wellingborough.
New Climate Conversations
Join us for two more Climate Conversations. Join in on Friday 25th November 2022 at the Victoria Centre, 10am to 12 noon, and at Glamis Hall on the 1st December, 7pm to 9pm.
Residents, businesses, faith, community groups, and schools are invited to attend and help us better understand the challenges and impacts of Climate Change, and what we can all do in response. We will be reflecting on the Climate Conversations we held in the spring, and sharing some of the content from our 11 workshops held this summer.

Do join us, to find out more and book please fill in the form.
Watch our Energy Saving and General Sustainability Workshops
In light of the energy challenges and cost of living crisis the first 4 sessions of the programme were focused on saving energy, understanding how we use it efficiently and thinking about renewable energy generation. Here is the first workshop’s presentation, Energy Basics:
Read the presentation above or watch this workshop and more on our Video page.
At our fifth online workshop we started to focus on sustainability, delving into a wide range of subjects including food, waste, transport and pollution, we held seven General Sustainability Workshops in total.
Watch them now – The recordings of these are also available on our video page. You can find out more about sustainability on our Sustainability page and more about all our workshops on our Workshops page. Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.