Climate · 19 July 2022

We want action on climate change, not lukewarm promises

This is not normal. An unprecedented red warning for extreme heat has been issued over large swathes of Britain, as Wellingborough braces for its first 40C+ day.

We’ve grown used to the uncommon in the last few years. Lockdowns, empty streets and shuttered schools. But as a result of human-induced climate change, heatwaves such as these — generating temperatures never before seen on this island — will become more and more a feature of our lives.

*Much of the text in this article and this picture is from the Evening Standard

The trend is clear. Nine of the 10 hottest days ever recorded in the UK have taken place since 1990. Should the all-time record fall today, that would mean all 10. And the sad reality is that people will die as a result of this weather.

Last summer, there were 1,634 excess deaths during periods of heatwaves, according to Public Health England. The year before, it was 2,556. We must look out for ourselves and our neighbours, particularly the elderly and medically vulnerable, at this dangerous moment. These conditions are not limited to the UK. Wildfires are raging across south-west Europe, while temperature records are rising across the world. This is a global emergency.

Concerns about inflation and the cost of living understandably occupy voters’ minds, but they also care about combating catastrophic climate change. The public deserves better than heavily caveated endorsements of net-zero from Conservative leadership candidates.

Local councils also need to take action, not just dancing around the issues. Spreading sand on roads and blaming others is not good enough. Embracing new green technologies and prioritising public transport and active travel in Wellingborough and North Northamptonshire needs to happen now.

Working with local people, businesses and community groups to deliver solutions to cut carbon emissions and to cope with extreme weather needs investment from proactive local government. Investment now will save money in the long run. Act before it’s too late, everyone needs to be the difference now.

Join our workshops

Wellingborough Climate Action Project (WCAP) is working hard to bring local people, business and the Councils together to understand the challenges and the sultans take action.

Our Sustainability Workshops are helping us learn and inform ourselves about our options, and we are working to set up a inclusive Community Forum that brings us all together to listen and take action.

Our next Sustainability Workshop (on 28th July at 7pm) helps us consider retrofitting and creating whole home and business premise solutions. Register on our workshops page to join us on Zoom…